
February 18th
  1. In the last few months, we’ve shipped over 6500 fins across the world!

    So far, these are our most impressive numbers since the launch of Boost Surfing.

    As of this week, we’ve received a new shipment of 2000 fins from our factory. We will be sorting, preparing, and sending them out to all of you in no time.

    Likewise, our Australian partners have been shipping orders for the past few weeks now.

    Thank you for your continued support of Boost Surfing!

    feedback feedback
August 8th
  1. We're still on our way to execute pre-orders (with another 4,100 fins en route and 2,000 ready to be sent to USA) and are excited to see the new fins help our customers have more fun and get closer to their goals.
    • US and Canada: 1,300 fins are scheduled to arrive to our California warehouse and be shipped right away in late August, next 2000 fins are scheduled to be sent to US warehouse mid-August (which covers all 2020 orders)
    • Europe: 1,500 fins will be delivered by train to Europe by mid-September (Orders before ~ August 2020)
    • Australia and New Zealand: 500 fins; Kickstarter & Indiegogo backers (Orders before ~May 2020)
    • Japan: 800 fins (Orders before ~ Fab 2021)

  2. We have been working hard on making it possible to transport our BoostSurfing electric fins to South America, South Africa, and Korea. We are currently in the process of developing an optimal shipping route that will get your order to these destinations instantly. We will keep you updated as we carry on with this project.

  3. We have updated the Quick Start Guide and Maintenance page to provide valuable information on how to take care of your fin after it arrives.

  4. We are working towards having ALL of the preordered fins delivered as soon as possible. However, if your surfing trip is scheduled for the near future, we provide an opportunity to you get your fins in 5-8 working days by airfreighting. Please note that there is an additional charge for air delivery.

    To arrange an express delivery, please, contact us at [email protected] with your order details. Your email should include:
    • Shipping/mailing address
    • Order number.

February 28th
  1. The container with 2000 pieces has arrived in Long Beach port 2 days ago - Feb 26. It's going through customs, once released and gets to the warehouse we will start shipping them out.

    We are working out the production schedule and next shipments for the rest of the world in the meantime.

    boost open
February 7th
  1. 2000 pieces finally left Shanghai yesterday and are on the way to Los Angeles. (Reason for the delay that we were told was "Crew got covid"). It should arrive in LA is Feb 22.

December 23rd
  1. Quick update - we should have ~2700-2800 fins ready by the end of December, Mid January to fill in 20" container and will send that container with fast sea freight in Jan. I was told it will take 16-22 days to get to US.

    It should take care of all the US Kickstarter / Indiegogo orders and early website orders.

    boost open
    boost open

    Also before Jan 20th we plan to send some fins to Australia and Japan as well. I'll get quantities a little later.

December 11th
  1. We’ve tested 50 Fins with our customers. Almost everyone was satisfied with the experience with the Fins and you can read some of their reviews / feedback in our private Facebook group.

  2. During the tests, we have identified one non-obvious problem that doesn’t appear often. But we found out that in some cases moisture can get inside through the motor and its wires. We designed a waterproof testing tool, which allows us to quickly perform waterproofing tests on the Fins right on the manufacturing lines. That way we can be sure every fin is tested.

  3. Updated the jack and its closing cap. The jack itself is waterproof and is closed with the protective cap to prevent water from coming in but during riding water gets still in so then when wet copper is left to dry it gets oxidized. So we found a new coating for the jacks that should fix the issue. At the same time, we’ve improved the plug for the jack to make it more sealed.

    Updated the jack and its closing cap
  4. We received all necessary certifications: CE, FCC, RCM, ROHS, TELEC and now can start mass shipping.

  5. Received funding, which will be used to deliver all the Fins from the current batch of 12k Fins and for further ramping up the production and shipping for more stock.

  6. The current production status:

    1. We’ve reassembled 750 units, fixed all the issues mentioned above.

    2. At the start of next week, we’ll be sending 100-200 Fins with Air just to make sure that all is good. Fins will be shipped to people in the order of when it was purchased.

    3. At the moment we’re assembling 4800 Fins - 200 Fins a day 6 days a week. Currently, apart from 750 complete Fins, we have:
    800 painted Fins
    1200 in the painting queue
    1800 Fins with installed antennas
    1000 sets of cast plastic
    2000 pre-assembled ducts with motors + 4000 sets of pre-assembled propellers

October 19th
  1. The first mass-produced batch had been shipped in September (the Fins which we shipped before were produced by our engineers at our lab) and there was an issue with that batch - our partners didn't follow one of the steps in the instructions and didn’t add enough sealant to all of the Fins, which caused leakage in some so we recalled that batch. There should be no such problem with the next batches.

  2. The new batch of 1000 units is ready. We are flying 20 Fins from this batch to our local office in Huntington Beach, USA and some to Australia to test those right away and get the feedback asap, so if there are any issues we can solve them straight away at the factory. As soon as we confirm that everything’s fine, we will ship the rest of the batch to you.

    new batch of 1000 units is ready
  3. The production is in full swing, we’re producing 500 Fins a week. From November, all the processes will be established and we will scale up the production. We will produce 2500 in November, 4000 in December and 3500 in January.

  4. Alex, our CTO is finally getting a Chinese visa and should be flying to China next week - this is a big step for us as we had to control all the processes remotely up until now, which is why some issues occurred.

September 17th
  1. Another batch of 100 Fins are fully assembled, packed, assigned tracking numbers, and awaiting dispatch in the next couple of days from the logistics center in Hong Kong. Very important to note is that this is the batch from our Manufacturing facility. So these are the mass production units. Meaning the next batches are coming shortly after it.

    batch of 100 Fins batch of 100 Fins
  2. The next batch of 500 Fins has already been produced and will be assembled by the end of this week, and we will immediately begin to prepare it for shipment.

  3. At the moment, the next batch of 1000 pieces is being produced, the plastic for the remotes is ready. We expect it to be fully ready by mid-October and will start shipping orders right away.

  4. The production of boxes is completed, they are ready and waiting at the factory.

August 7th
  1. 200 pieces have been slightly delayed. We weren’t satisfied with the painting results, as you can see in the photo, so we asked the manufacturer to redo them. The Fins have already been produced and painted and we can start shipping them on August 13th!

    painting results painting results
  2. We are already producing the next batch of 2,000 units and it’s still expected to ship this month.! The remotes for this batch will be ready very soon, all the Fins will have the new firmware uploaded, and right now we are recharging 10k batteries at the factory, because they could be partially discharged while they were stored.

  3. We have most of the adapters ready, which we will ship with the next batch.

  4. We’ve developed the Boost Fin Leash for more security, especially when using the Fin with FCS/FCS 2 and Futures adapters, and it is available for ordering in our store.

June 28th
  1. We have received very valuable feedback from the first 75 customers that helped us pinpoint a few important moments that we had to improve in our bigger batches.

    feedback feedback
  2. We launched the production of new remotes, which we made smaller and more convenient. These are completely waterproof and perform much better. The mass production of these remotes is already underway, 200 remotes will be ready on the 13th of July.

    new remotes
  3. We are preparing the second batch of 200 Fins for shipping. 100 pieces have been painted and assembled at our factory, another 100 pieces were sent to the second factory - in order to increase the production capacity, we decided to utilize two factories, and now it is important for us to make sure that the second factory will produce and assemble the Fins up to standard.

  4. We updated the firmware of the motherboards, which allowed us to increase the smoothness, remove freezes, increase the response speed, improve the connection between the remote and the Fin, improve the activation of boost modes as well as many other positive aspects. The new batch of Fins was delayed largely due to the fact that we were developing and testing the firmware.

  5. We are finalizing the app - we’ve already added several pre-set modes for surfing and SUP boarding. Also, we are in the process of improving the interface and adding tutorials to the app. The new version with pre-set modes can already be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.

May 15th
  1. Our first customers have already received their Boost Fins from the mini-batch, we are shipping them gradually, and have already shipped 30 Fins which were sent all around the world - to the USA, UK, Japan, Australia, Spain and other countries.

    first customers have already received their Boost Fins
  2. We’ve done performance tests on a SUP board in the ocean and received the following results: at 35% motor power a SUP board develops a speed of 4.4 km/h and covers 8 km in total on a full charge, and at 40% power the speed will be 4.8 km/h and it will cover 5 km.

  3. We’ve conducted lots of tests with the fins in the ocean, and to save you the trouble of choosing modes in the app, we decided to offer you a set of modes for various needs and scenarios. In the app, you will find both short surfing modes - for short boosts, and long modes for SUP board: Getting to the line-up 3 min, SUP Assistance 100 min, SUP Trolling 70 min, SUP wind / current resistance 40 min. You can also adjust the short boost settings to customize the Boost Fin for you.

  4. We have finalized and launched a small remote into mass production, with a strap from Apple, which can be worn on the wrist or forearm. The option to attach the remote control to the board will be available a little bit later.

April 30th
  1. We’ve begun shipping the first fins. At the moment we’re sending out the fins from the mini-batch of 75 pieces which we’ve assembled at our European R&D office, while the main batch for mass-production is being prepared for launch.

  2. During May we will be ramping up our assembly processes of mass production. So we will be able to produce about 100 more units and ship them, the main aim of this stage is to make sure that the factory assembles the fins without any mistakes, and in june we will significantly scale up the production of the fins.

    final Fin sample
  3. The final mold is ready and we launched mass production of the shells. To remind you we had to update the design to fix the issue with the antenna. We received, tested and approved the fins - they are good. Here’s a video from the production:

  4. After that, we plan to run the production lines at full capacity and produce 7000 fins in June and 7000 fins in July. This plan is a little optimistic, but it is possible, so we will try to do our best to make it happen. We will be sending small shipments once they are ready, so we will try to ship all the orders this summer.

  5. Some other small but important improvements: we slightly redesigned the packaging, removing excess plastic from it to reduce environmental damage. Also, we are making the final preparations - we’ve made the barcodes for the box, finalized the insert with instructions and are polishing and testing our application.

April 4th
  1. The new 75 motherboards for the remotes have been sent from the production facility and should arrive at our European R&D office in a couple of days. As soon as we receive them, our engineer will assemble the remotes and we can start shipping the first Fins.

  2. The first 75 Boost Fins were manually assembled at our European R&D facility. The antennas proved to be very durable.

  3. At the same time, we're finalizing the new molds and will start mass production of the Fins next week. They will be assembled with antennas according to our new specifications. In this video you can see a sample of the Fin with the attached antenna, which looks perfect. These Fins will be in the batch of 2000 orders.

  4. This video shows the new waterproof casings for the remotes which are now ready for assembling.

  5. Certification process is almost over, we were asked to provide a specification for one small component, which we did, so we will get the certification very soon.

  6. We've also done the tests on the batteries to make sure they haven't been damaged or discharged waiting at the production facilities for some time and the PCBs to make sure there is no corrosion on them. Everything is good.

  7. As for some other news, we've finalized the new straps for the remotes and produced braces for the 2000 Fins.

  8. We also finalized the testing procedures for the Fin and its components.

March 19th

We received the final Fin sample at our European R&D facility last week and it looks very good, apart from a couple of small things.

  1. Remotes had a small issue with the signal. The engineers in the manufacturing facility decided to improve the signal and they changed the signal coding which makes the signal longer and the receiver doesn't consistently get it. Once we'd figured the issue, we started fixing it immediately. The new sample will arrive next week and we will finalize it. Other than that, everything else looks great and works perfectly.

  2. We're already assembling the Fins at our European R&D facility manually. The biggest obstacle that stops us from beginning mass production is the ability to repeatedly glue the antenna perfectly into the shape of the Fin without leaving any glue stains. We figured out how to do it manually but it's a very long process and the factory won’t be able to replicate the process. We purchased several machines which should arrive early next week and we will record the instructions for our partners at the production facilities on how to do the process.

  3. We've already sent our Fins to the certification office a week ago, they told us that it should take about 3 weeks, but usually, it takes less time to get all the certificates. Soon we will be able to produce a lot of Fins and finally start shipping them.

    final Fin sample final Fin sample
February 27th
  1. The 75 units are at our European R&D office, they have arrived partially assembled and we're currently assembling them, but we had to wait for some parts that had not arrived on time. After we assemble them, we will ship them and then we will start the mass production of the next batch of 2000 Fins which should be ready and shipped around April.

February 3rd
  1. 75 Fins have been painted, assembled and packed. Currently, they are on their way to our European R&D department where they will be thoroughly checked and then shipped from to our customers.

    75 Fins have been painted, assembled and packed 75 Fins have been painted, assembled and packed
    75 Fins have been painted, assembled and packed
  2. PCBs for the Pro remotes are ready, the remotes are assembled.

    PCBs for the Pro remotes are ready, the remotes are assembled PCBs for the Pro remotes are ready, the remotes are assembled
  3. New plastic casing samples for the original remotes are ready, currently testing them to finalize.

January 23rd
  1. 100 Fins are pre-assembled. They’ve been sent for coating, which will take 5-7 days, and after that, they will be fully assembled.

    100 Fins are pre-assembled 100 Fins are pre-assembled
  2. Continuing work on the original (small) remote. Finding the best solution to ensure the waterproofness of the casing.

  3. The casing for the PRO remote is ready, silicon buttons are ready, performed tests on the batteries, waiting for the PCBs to assemble them.

    The casing for the PRO remote is ready The casing for the PRO remote is ready
  4. Making preparations for the certification of the Boost Fin.

January 15th
  1. 2000 main PCBs (of the Fin) are ready.

    2000 main PCBs
  2. Plastic housings for 100 Boost Fins are ready. Next week they will be painted.

  3. Finalizing housings for the custom (original) remote, we did lab waterproof tests on them which had been successful. Will need to do open water tests to make sure they are fully waterproof.

  4. Another batch of 2000 Boost Fin motors is ready.

    batch of 2000 Boost Fin motors
December 23rd
  1. New mounts and charging jacks are ready.

  2. Finished the production of 100 PCBs for a custom (small) remote.

    finished the production of 100 PCBs
  3. Straps for the remotes are ready.

  4. Finalized the second tray for the boxes and the attachment of the trays to the lids. The first batch of 100 boxes are ready.

    the second tray for the boxes
December 17th
  1. Finalized the fitting of the antenna, doing final tests of the coating of the antenna.

  2. Doing some corrections on the adapters’ molds - after the tests we had to increase the thickness of the screws and add the nuts into all the adapters to increase their resistance.

  3. Finalizing the boxes, testing several EVA inserts options, testing the attachment of the trays to the lids.

  4. Began the production of the plastic for the first batch of 100 Boost Fins.

    production of the plastic
December 10th
  1. All the parts for the first 100 Boost Fins (fin body, duct, ring, propeller adapter, propeller, rubber pads, spacers, antennas, screws, battery, chargers, motors, ESC, screwdriver, longboard adapter’s insert, nut, cap, FOAM parts, rubber gaskets, jack) will be ready on 13.12. After that, it will take 5-7 days for the painting process.

  2. Finishing all the necessary corrections of the mold (the charging jack, the cap for the charging jack and the groove for the antenna), the final shot will be ready on the 13th Dec.

  3. The first prototype of the original (custom) remote is ready, we’ve inserted the PCB in it and are testing its waterproof qualities.

December 3rd
  1. Waiting for the final shot of the plastic mold (after we had to make slight changes due to using a different jack). Then we’ll test it and launch it into mass-production if everything is right.

  2. Continuing work on the original remote, first prototypes will be ready next week.

  3. Preparing to begin the mass production of the Pro remote.

  4. We’re making new copper jacks with nickel plating for the first 2000 units.

  5. The boxes for the first 100 Fins are in production, we’ve had to make a separate mold for the second tray so that the product fits more securely into the box. We are now waiting to test and finalize them.

November 27th
  1. Making final corrections to the Boost Fin mold, because we had to make changes due to changing the jacks to more waterproof ones.

  2. We’ve tested the Pro remote and finalized it.

  3. Ordered plastic casing kits for the Pro remote from Japan, they’re on the way to our production facilities.

November 23rd
  1. We received test shots from the new adapter molds (the longboard one is ready, working on the rest of the adapter molds).

  2. We launched mass production of the main PCB (motherboard of the fin).

  3. Prototyping the new plastic casing of the original custom remote and PCBs for the first 100 remotes.

November 20th
  1. Searching for a better charging jack solution - the one that we currently have doesn’t meet our waterproof standards, so we are checking other options.

November 17th
  1. Inspecting the new plastic casing sample. If all is good, we will assemble the first 100 fins (all the other components for them are ready) and will ship those in December.

  2. 2000 additional units, which we’ve ordered last week, are in the process of production, including additional screwdrivers, batteries, modules, and other components.

  3. Samples of original custom remotes are on their way to our CTO Alex in Bali and to our European R&D office for tests. After we receive their feedback, we can begin the assembling.

  4. We are waiting for strap samples for the Pro remotes and will send them to our CTO for tests. At the same time, we’ve ordered 2240 casings for those remotes, so when we have the PCBs and casings ready, we can assemble Pro remotes.

November 12th
  1. Finishing work on the boxes, they should be ready at the end of next week.

  2. 6 new addons will be ready before the end of the month - the Boost Fin case, a safety bumper, a safety leash, a car charger, a Pro version of the remote and a snorkelling adapter, they will be available in our online store and you can add those accessories to your order.

November 10th
  1. We’ve ordered 2000 units of improved (pro) remotes. At the same time, we’re making custom original remotes, working on the mold for it, waiting for quotas and a test sample. This remote can be worn on a wrist, a shoulder or attached to a board.

  2. We found a manufacturer of a car charger, waiting for their quota and a test sample.

  3. Final updates to the mold that will have the new antenna should be ready in 1.5 weeks.

November 6th
  1. The test sample of the safety leash is ready, we are waiting for it to arrive to test it.

  2. The fin add-ons - safety bumpers - are ready.

  3. The longboard adapter mold had been approved and launched into mass production, the molds for all the other adapters are being approved.

  4. We have found the right glue and the thickness of the antenna to finally launch the mass production of the fins.

November 3rd
  1. We’re waiting for the quotes from the factories for original (simple) remotes, the casing will be customized to increase waterproof qualities. After we receive the quotes and approve the production, we will finalize the silicon strap for it.

  2. Customizing the jack for the fin, our R&D facility in Europe and CTO in Bali are working on the final version of the jack.

  3. Continuing to work on the antenna. Next week our employee will be at the production facility to determine the issue during the production with the outside positioning of the antenna. Additionally, we’re testing an option of installing the antenna inside the fin. After we find a solution, we can finalize it and start producing the mold for the fin.

October 30th
  1. Our CTO Alex had tested the mass-produced sample of the fin and was satisfied with the results - it produces enough thrust, works perfectly with the app, provides good battery life, the casing is very durable.

  2. We have tested original remotes and custom prototypes and they both showed great results. We are beginning the negotiations with the remotes producers about a casing solution.

  3. Finalizing a prototype of the box for the adapters.

    prototype of the box for the adapters
October 26th
  1. Alex had tested the new jack in saltwater and found the solution for ensuring its water resistance.

  2. Continuing work on the antenna, trying out different installation solutions. When the issue with the antenna is resolved, we can fully assemble the first 50 fins.

  3. We’ve tested button PCBs (motherboards) and PCBs of the Fin and now we’re ready to launch them into mass production - this was the major delay and now it’s finally behind us.

October 22nd
  1. Finished a second tray for the box (after creating an additional mold) - we’re testing it now so it fits in the box perfectly, after this, we can start mass-production of the boxes.

    box box
  2. Changed the color and finished the mold for the ring.

  3. Finalizing the antenna. The material of a small element - a clamp - in the antenna was changed from iron to copper for greater salt-water resistance.

  4. Working on additional components - bumpers for the fin.

  5. Developed a set of inserts for the fin which will be used to fill in some cavities in the fin to exclude/minimize water ingress.

    set of inserts
October 20th
  1. Dmitri, CEO of Boost Surfing, received remote prototypes for tests in the sea and waiting for the mass-produced Boost Fin sample.

  2. Custom made remotes have arrived at our R&D facility, we need to test the code transfer protocol we declared, the stated range of codes, the required IP67 sealing, the required power of the expected signal. After the tests, they will be sent to our CTO and CEO for final tests and approvals.

  3. A test batch of PCBs has arrived at our R&D facility in Europe, they were tested in the lab, we only need to test them in saltwater before we can launch mass production of PCBs, they’re on their way to Bali and the USA for saltwater tests.

October 15th
  1. Testing PCBs in Bali, if the tests are successful, we will launch mass-production of PCBs

    Testing PCBs
  2. The Boost Fin sample with the new PCB has been lab-tested in our production facility in Europe, now it’s on the way to Dmitri (CEO) for additional testing in the USA

October 14th
  1. Conducted durability testing of the mass-produced Boost Fin sample in Bali (full video available here)

    crash test
October 10th
  1. Finalizing the box and its contents (waiting for the final decision on the remote to make the most durable and convenient fixing tab).

    Finalizing the box
  2. Made the first trial mass-produced batch of PCBs (waiting for the samples to test them)

    first trial mass-produced first trial mass-produced
  3. Collected the plastic for the first trial batch (50 pieces).

    Collected the plastic Collected the plastic Collected the plastic Collected the plastic

Boost Fin Production Status

  • Q4 2019
    • Prototyping of the Fin in China. Printing body parts. Developing and testing and the form. Re-prototyping improvements.
  • Q1 2020
    • Selection of components for mass production. Correction of the specification based on test batches.
    • Developed battery prototypes. Repeated tests of samples from different suppliers in the field. Selection of the optimal specification.
    • Selecting suppliers.
  • Q2 2020
    • Received the first motor samples. Tested in the field.
    • Selection of the remote control and suppliers of the custom button. Purchase of the samples. Tested in the field. Corrected specifications in accordance with the new data.
    • Launched and tested sample batches of the main components: batteries, chargers, motors, and components for PCB.
    • Resolved an issue with overheating of a test mini-batch of batteries. When pressed too often, the batteries became very hot, we resolved it through hardware.
  • Q3 2020
    • July Developed a set of custom fasteners Found a manufacturer. Approved the samples.
    • Launched mass production of 10,000 batteries and chargers. The batch is ready and in stock.
    • Launched mass production of 10,000 motors. The batch is ready and in stock.
    • Launched the design of the box and the Travel Case in different variations.
    • Selection of suppliers of screwdrivers, customization, and sample tests.
    • August Produced prototypes of adapters. Launched a mold for a longboard adapter.
    • Resolved the issue with power loss. Due to small but necessary changes (which were made due to the fact that some parts were not moldable) on the part of the factory, there was a loss of power from the device, the design had to be finalized - a new element of the inner ring (this is another additional mold) had to be made.
    • Launched mass production of 10,000 custom fasteners. 90% of the batch is ready, end of production on the 15th of October.
    • Tested the samples of pads for the fin. Modified and changed the specification.
    • Launched production of the molds for plastic components of the Fin. First tests of the parts.
    • September Launched mass production of 10,000 screwdrivers. The batch is ready and in stock.
    • Produced 2 prototypes of the box, made the changes and added new elements (additional tray).
    • Redesigned the mold for the ring. Powerloss was caused by the change of the duct shape and addition of the ring, we also changed the material of the duct grid.
    • Ordered a test mini-batch of 50 pcs.
    • Developing new adapters, refinement and testing.
    • Test painting of the fin.
  • Q4 2020
    • October Make screws for the entire batch of 10 thousand Fins.The main screws are ready, custom ones will be finished by the 15th of October.
    • Developing a prototype of the box for the adapters Making final corrections.
    • Developing a safety leash for the Boost Fin.
    • Certify batteries (FC, Rohs, CE).
    • November Launch the Boost Fin addons into production. Safety bumpers, safety leashes, car chargers and other accessories are finalized and launched into production.
    • Launch the main PCB into production. One of the main tasks that caused delays. The components required for the production/assembly of PCBs were already ordered in advance so that there are no problems with the timing.
    • December Make rubber for the Fin. The suppliers sent the rubber of the wrong hardness, we are waiting for the delivery of samples of the required hardness.
    • Produce 100 plastic casings for the first batch of Boost Fins.
    • Produce 2000 PCBs for the remotes.
    • Finalize the boxes and produce 100 units for the first batch.
    • Produce the components for the first batch of 100 fins (duct, ring, propeller adapter, propeller, rubber pads, spacers, antennas, screws, battery, chargers, motors, ESC, screwdriver, longboard adapter’s insert, nut, cap, FOAM parts, rubber gaskets, jack).
  • Q1 2021
    • January Paint 100 Boost Fins.
    • Produce 5000 PCBs of the Fin.
    • Produce 2000 motors.
    • February Complete the production of 75 Boost Fins.
    • Receive the 75 Boost Fins at our European R&D department for final assembling and tests.
    • March Fully assemble 75 Boost Fins.
    • Finalize the remotes.
    • Finalize assembling process and new molds for the Fins.
    • Begin the certification process.
  • Q2 2021
    • April Begin shipping the Fins from the mini-batch of 70 units.
    • Approve the main mold and send it into mass-production. We've done corrections of the mold due to the antenna issue and launched mass-production of the shells.
    • Resolve the issue with the antennas and launch mass-production.
    • Resolve the issue with the charging jack and launch them into mass production.
    • Launch production of the remotes.
    • May Deliver 75 Boost Fins to the first customers all around the world. The Boost Fins have been shipped to the USA, UK, Japan, Australia, Spain and other countries.
    • Finalize and launch the small remote with an Apple strap into mass production.
    • Develop preset modes for the Boost Fin app. We’ve done a lot of tests with the Fin in the ocean to offer you the best modes for various needs and scenarios.
    • June Produce, paint and assemble 100 Boost Fins at our factory. The other 100 Fins have been sent to the second factory to test the production capabilities there.
    • Update the firmware of motherboards. It increased the smoothness, removed freezes, increased the response speed, improved the connection between the remote and the Fin, improved the activation of boost modes, etc.
    • Add several pre-set modes to the app. Now you can choose from a range of special surf and SUP modes.
  • Q3 2021
    • July Produce 2000 remotes.
    • Re-charge 10000 Boost Fin batteries.
    • Launch Boost Fins into mass production.
    • Launch production of the adapters. The longboard mold (the main one) has been launched into mass production several months ago, now the other ones are being produced as well.
    • August Launch boxes for Fins into mass-production. We slightly redesigned the packaging, removing excess plastic from it to reduce environmental damage. Also, we are making the final preparations - we’ve made the barcodes for the box, finalized the insert with instructions, etc.
    • Recharge 10,000 batteries that were stored at the warehouse.
    • Mass-produce the majority of the adapters and prepare them for shipping.
    • Made corrections to the painting process and slightly redesigned the duct. We weren’t satisfied with the painting results so the manufacturer had to make changes to the painting process, also the duct had to be slightly changed.
    • Cast 2000 plastic casings in preparation for assembling the next batch of the Fins.
    • September Produce another batch of 100 Boost Fins and ship them. Very important to note is that this is the batch from our Manufacturing facility. So these are the mass production units.
    • Produce, assemble and prepare another 500 Boost Fins for shipping.
    • Begin the production of 1000 Fins.
    • Produce the plastic for the remotes for the 1000 Fins batch.
    • Produce the boxes for the Fins.
  • Q4 2021
    • October Produce and assemble 1000 Boost Fins.
    • Test the samples from this batch in the US and Australia. After we confirm there are no issues with them, we can ship the whole batch.
    • Finish the production of all the remaining adapters and pack them.
    • November Tested the Fins in the USA and Australia and collected valuable feedback. We have identified a few things that needed to be fixed and improved.
    • Reassembled 1000 Fins. After the tests, we found a few things that had to be fixed, so we reassembled the batch and assembled it again, fixing and improving the issues.
  • Q1 2022
    • January Produce, assemble and ship 2000 Boost Fins.
    • Produce 2,000 PCBs.
    • Finalize the golden sample and test it. All the components, many of which have undergone changes and produced at our factory, will be assembled together and tested.
    • Certify the Boost Fin for the main markets (CE - for Europe, FCC for the USA, TELEC for Japan, RCM for Australia).
    • February Negotiating with transport companies about transportation, preparing for shipments, working out delivery options.
    • Get pre-shipment certificates. The Fin and batteries are certified. The shipment certificate differs for every airport, so when we determine which airport the Fins will be shipped from, we will order the certificate and it will be issued straight away.
    • March Produce, assemble and ship 2500 fins to the US
  • Q2 2022
    • April Produce 6,000 remote PCBs.
    • May Deliver 2500 fins in the US
    • June Produce and assemble another 6500 Boost Fins
  • Q3 2022
    • July Ship 1500 to Europe, 1300 to USA, 800 to Japan, 500 to Australia
    • August Ship 2000 Boost Fins to USA.
  • Q4 2022
    • October Received 2000 fins in the US
    • November Shipped 2000 fins to the US customers.
    • December Produced, assembled, and shipped 2000 fins to the US.
  • Q1 2023
    • January Shipped 600 fins to Australia & 600 fins to Japan.
    • February Received 2000 fins at our US warehouse. Launched shipments across the US.
    • March Produce and assemble 3000 fins.
  • Q2 2023
    • April Produce and assemble additional 3000 fins.
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